Car Show Craft Market
Date Of Application: ______________________________________________________
Date of Show: February 22nd & 23rd
Show Hours: 10AM - 4PM
Setup Time : 7AM - 10AM
Place: Veteran's Park * Marco Island, FL 34145
Applicant Name: _________________________________________________________
Business Address: ________________________________________________________
Business / Home Phone: ____________________________________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________________
License Plate #: __________________________________________________________
(Deadline for applications: When Full)
Consider my application for:
No. of spaces _______ 10 x 10 @ $160.00
Make checks payable to: Pam Patullo
Directors reserve the right to accept or deny applications.
Any questions call Pam Patullo at: 732-682-3230
Return completed applications to:
Pam Patullo
PO Box 671
Manasquan, NJ 08736
The undersigned agrees to abide by all regulations set forth by the promoter. Pam Patullo and workers shall not be held
liable for property damage or personal injury to exhibitors, its agents or employees regardless of how such injury or damage may have occurred. Director reserves the
right to accept or reject any exhibitor and shall have the right to make rules and regulations for the show that it deems proper and necessary.
Signature: ________________________________________________________________